Our most frequently asked questions.


Is FitFam really free?

Yes! All workouts are 100% free - all you need to do is register and show up! Exceptions are made for one-time special events organized by FitFam, in which case you will be notified of the cost before registering.

Do I need to meet certain physical standards to join your workouts?

While all of our workouts are designed to be safe, inclusive, and challenging enough for all levels, we ask you to be fully aware of your own physical capabilities and general health (a recent physical exam is recommended). 

Please read our FitFam participation waiver here.

How do I register for a workout?

Most of our communities outside of mainland China use Meetup and Facebook to host events, while cities across China rely solely on WeChat and our own mini program to register. Please inquire directly with the local community you’re interested in joining by sending us a quick message here.


What exercises do you typically do?

We offer many different types of exercises, many of which are based on High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) which require nothing but your own bodyweight strength. Other sessions include running, yoga, and fitness boxing.

What kind of “commitment” do you need?

The only commitment we need is your registration for any of the workouts you would like to attend, in any of our FitFam cities. This helps leaders get an accurate headcount for their workout.

Who can lead a workout?

People who champion the values of the community, who consistently participate in workouts and events, and who motivate others around them eventually become volunteer leaders. If you feel that this is you, don’t hesitate to approach any of our existing leaders and ask how you can get involved! We’re always looking for extra help to keep our community engaged!

How do I know if a workout I signed up for has been canceled?

If a workout is cancelled due to high levels of pollution or inclement weather, you will receive a push notification directly from our mini program (mainland China) or other social platforms to alert you of the cancellation.

How do I find information on your locations in one particular city?

All city-specific pages on this website provide information on their available locations. For more information, please inquire directly with our local managers.

Do I need to bring anything?

You should bring at least one bottle of water to our workouts to ensure you stay hydrated,. If you're attending a yoga session, we kindly ask that you bring your own mat as our partner locations and volunteer leaders do not always provide them. 

For other questions and inquiries, please send us a message! We’ll get back to you within the same day.